Celebration of Life Package
Based on our own personal experience, our 'Celebration of Life' package has been designed to help honour our children in their final moments. We found that in our darkest most vulnerable time of our lives, there wasn’t much assistance or support to ensure we were given the necessary tools needed to navigate important decisions, tasks, conversations and ensuring our daughters last moments in her life were fulfilled to the fullest. We were gifted a baby hamper for a still born after losing our precious three-year-old; she was no longer in nappies, a newborn beanie or needing a swaddle. This was disheartening and made us realise so many other families in our position were faced with the same ‘gift’. We knew moving forward we didn’t want any other family given a newborn box after losing a child, after all its idea is to provide some comfort, not to add more disappointment.
With the help of various local businesses, we have been able to put together a package that can be used in the unfortunate event that another family finds themselves facing the sudden loss of their precious child. Each package has been carefully and lovingly considered and can be requested by any parent/carer that finds themselves in a similar situation to us, facing the sudden loss of a child.
*Celebration of Life packs are part of our 'Supporting Parents and Families' initiative at LCF and are provided to all recipients free of charge. We rely heavily on the support of generous donations, so if you're able to help, please use the DONATE button at the top of this page.
Carefully curated with love, attention to detail and sensitivity by our Luna Capri Foundation Co-Founders Jess & Sarah Feeney and their family, our Grief Boxes include anything and everything that families would be leaning on in their earliest stages of grief. Donated to various hospitals around Queensland, these boxes will offer a healing guide for families who are navigating grief after losing their loved one suddenly between the ages of 2 and 16 years of age. Grief boxes that are donated to these hospitals include:
- A handwritten letter from Luna's Mumma & Daddy to share their journey in it's earliest stages as well as a reminder of your rights.
- The Invisible String - A Story for Families about understanding that love can be felt even from afar.
- The Book of Happy Hearts - A wondrous, uplifting and hope-filled treasury packed with stories, poems & activities to inspire, cherish and share.
- The Happiest Man on Earth - Published as Eddie turns 100, this is a powerful, heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful memoir of how happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.
- Disposable Camera - to take photos of/with your loved one for the day that you are ready to look back on them.
- Gaia Body Wash, Shampoo & Conditioner - all natural products to wash your child's body and hair & follow it up with a massage with the moisturising cream.
- 3 Face Washers - to use with the Gaia products to bathe your child.
- Celebration of Life Balloons - To ensure your child's life is celebrated - even in the hospital.
- Notepad & Pen - This is to take notes and use it for organising/getting in touch with important people regarding the next steps. You can also use this to journal if needed.
- Mini Knot Macrame Rainbow - A sentimental reminder of your loved one symbolic of the magic they bring to the sky.
- 'Remember Me' Inkless Print Kit - To take precious prints of your child to remember them forever. The sheets in the print kit are large enough to fit a child's hand and feet. There are 4 sheets included and we encourage family members to press their hands onto a sheet with the child's also as a lasting memory.
- Glitter/Lava Lamp - This is a personal gift from our family to yours, we use this at our daughters shrine in our lounge room to symbolise her existence within the home. We turn it on in the morning when we wake up, and turn it off when we leave the house & go to bed at night, to remind us that where we go, she goes.
- 2 x Small Plush Teddies (1 for Family & 1 for Child) - One to go with the child and One for the family to keep (when it is time to say goodbye, parents often swap the teddies, so the child has the one with the parents smell and the parents have one with the child's).
- Lock of Hair Bag - A beautiful bag to place a lock of your child's hair.
- Tissues
- Healing Crystals & Grief Cards - These have been hand picked by crystal experts to support your grief journey holistically throughout all its stages. The grief cards enclosed teach you how to use each crystal including their individual qualities and benefits.
- 'To My Darling Angel' Grief Poem - A gorgeous poem to remind you of all the magic your child will now surround you with.
- Luna 'Moon Magic' Candle - A special candle to light and fill your room with sweet warmth.
- Luna's Mantra Affirmation Plaque - A mantra that Luna & Jess would chant each night before bed.
- Pocket Affirmations - Another positive empowerment tool offered by the Luna Capri Foundation for the children within your dynamic.
- Luna Sparkle Glitter - This is for the children in your dynamic to sprinkle some magic glitter from their loved one that has passed.